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Chhattisgarh scribe attempts suicide, blames CM Raman Singh for harassment

National Herald / October 05, 2018

Chhattisgarh journalist Saurabh Agarawal

Saurabh Agarwal, a Chhattisgarh journalist—who first demanded euthanasia and then attempted suicide on Thursday—narrates the story of his harassment by the state Bharatiya Janata Party government

A Chhattisgarh based journalist Saurabh Agarwal tried to kill himself on Thursday, accusing Chief Minister Raman Singh and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Agarwal of harassment.
Before consuming poison, Agarwal--who runs a local Hindi newspaper, Dainik Syahi, recorded his video statement and shared it on the social media.
As per the information provided by a friend of the scribe, who wished to remain anonymous, Agarwal tried to kill himself by drinking poison in front of the district court, Raigarh. He was rushed to a nearby hospital where his condition remains critical, told his friend.
“Saurabh approached the district court demanding euthanasia,” told his friend.
His friend told NH that Saurabh was slapped with false cases of extorting money by the BJP leaders. Angered by his stories published in Dainik Syahi, the BJP leader Vijay Agarwal and his supporters had reportedly registered four FIRs against Saurabh.
“You tell me - what should I do?  Whatever I have written about them is true. First, they register an FIR against me then they register another FIR. I took bail and came out but within next 15-20 days, they have registered another FIR against me.”
Accusing Raman Singh of harassing journalists, Saurabh alleged in his statement that he did not have any option except ending his life besides killing his mother.
“This is Raman Singh’s influence. This is BJP’s influence. Who should I go to? Who should I approach?  I do not have enough money to take bail in each case. I do not even have money to feed myself. I have only one solution and that is to commit suicide. My mother should also commit suicide,” Saurabh can be heard as saying in a video which has been widely shared on the social media.

Watch the video here:


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