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Constituents of CAAJ

In a meeting called for constituting CAAJ in the Press Club of India, almost two dozens representatives of various groups participated and gave suggestions regarding the National Convention against Assault on Journalists.

The interim list of CAAJ constituents is as under. This is a process in making and we have to include as many independent groups as possible.
Samkaleen Teesari Dunia
Samkaleen Janmat
Gorakhpur Newsline 
Palpal news 
Dalit Dastak 
Forward Press 
Delhi Ki Selfie 
Yuva Samwad 
Desh Dunia 
Justice News 
Peoples Vigilance Committee for Human Rights
New Socialist Initiative
National Movement Front 
Rihai Manch 
Indian Social Action Forum 
National Alliance of Peoples Movements
Popular Education and Action Centre 
Peoples Commission for Shrinking Democratic Spaces
Human Rights Defenders Association


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